harrow pper.
selvan! i'm very glad you decided to share all that with us(: i'm proud of you that was brave and respectable. totally. we're a class and we're here to listen and talk. and crap and dance and sing and do everything under the sun. we're here for you, and we're here for each other no matter what! (hah if only dl cared.) i'm glad that now you've really become an integral part of the class, and a2 is seriously set in stone. haha yeah i think mich is right we should all do testimonials about the past year, cause it's really been quite a journey. we've grown and grown and grown together, everything building up beautifully into what we have now which is profound! such that now i find it very hard trying to recall what it was like before haha.
thanks everyone for alllll the support, even from the man of the hour himself, selvan from jeevansathi.com india's no.1 matrimonial site. if you've got problems or anything continue to voice it out! we are a crass (clumpler!) and we won't leave you alone as you face the verrrry hard route of handling your As privately. okay yeah i feel odd saying "we" since i'm not even taking my As next year, but ayia i'm sure you guys feel the same way! so ya thanks everyone i love love love. it's helped me through incredibly so. sigh(:
and heh i'm thinking what the heck! it'll be fine and normal la! we'll still do all sorts of things and go places as a class, we can still have an a2 band (ictalent anyone? so far we have zihui's lullaby in a minor, and a wagors indie song on piano! show you all soon haha.) that includes selvan too hokay! i'm going to try and see if they'll let me join you all as a "j2" for first intake so at least i'm doing something not wasting time in orientation. and even if they don't (cause they suck, the by the book conformist institution!) i'm joining you guys anyway! i'll go copy your timetable and crash all your lectures and stuff. i'll have a lot of free time with no chinese and pw anyway. it'll be good to get to learn j2 stuff, i want to prepare myself. we can still study together too haha i can help you all with j1 stuff if i can understand it myself first. yup need help with anything at all i'm here. cause j2 sucks man i'm pretty scared for you guys cause it's stresssss. the only huhh? thing for me will be when you guys finish your As and are free, but i'm still stuck in school. wah sai. hahaha!! but tsk i'll worry about that later. i'm learning to commit it all to God.
anyway all the love that's going around right now is wonderful fantastic. we are a real class dammit! can you feel the lurrve??? the world must know!
and alas! who wants to watch the prestige on monday after our injections to cheer our arms up and celebrate the advancements in modern medicine! plus do i have any suggestions for holiday class events? chalet? escape theme park day? (omg so lame but so fun hahaha) christmas party or partIES? haha maybe i should get my techno act together again. think out of the box and be creative! what ridiculous endeavours will be next hmm?
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