techno dichotomy!

okay this is my crazy idiot dog hahaha pawing for food what else. look at that stare. it's the stare of GREED.
anyway guys seriously, national day TECHNO PARTY on tuesday, 7pm. is it on? confirm with me you all want or not? and what sort of food you guys want? cause i feel kinda bad putting the entire burden on my mum, maybe we can order sth in or pot luck, on top of what my mum can provide. and the other thing is it's not just our class, my friends are supposed to be there too. i think ahhaha sorry it's so messy. cause this was meant to be a bithday party but heh delayed cause i was too busy. and still am. so now it's a dunno what party. national day party la. um.. i think if you want to stay over it's okay! cool we can watch movies! hahahaah. and one more thing. there's a dress code. if it's still on that is. you have to dress based on the theme the year 3000 in the sixties. go figure hahah. it's up to you to interpret what that means. um can we get a class relay on this? no jeans please! haha this is the opportune moment to do what you've never done before. like wearing underwear on the outside while dancing to techno. serious! some other suggestions include tights, jumpsuits, and aluminium foil. and one last thing. there are no social obligations to attend this party like i said. it's not really a class thing in that sense i guess though a2 ROCKS. it's just a weird party. hahaha. come if you feel like it. but please tell me and give me input soon!
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