heyheyhey man!! nice stuff!!! our blog is officially up! thanks so much eugene.
anyway guys, i was thinking of holding my techno party on the national day holiday? what do you guys think? but man so retarded la, my birthday is long over and i'm still having a party.... like wasting money when the occasions already passed. okok so, like i said, what do you guys think? should i even go ahead and have it? and who can and wants to make it? no social obligations. just a pure invitation to retardedness.
argh so lonely): my pw group's sleeping already, cause i was stupid and took a nap just now while they were working. haha sorry guys i know i've been darnn slack. but alas, choir concert will but OUTTA DA WAY after tmr. so whee i can finally do some work. i'm so dead la i've got so much undone, and have to face U grades for all my h2s so far. (um geog don't need to say la i'm not gonna do well) there's my art painting project and two written assignments, ,gp essay urgh, oh crap zhuo wen still not done... sorry lao shi!!! needless to say my various tutorials are untouched. oh yeah still gotta design the opening day shirt. i'm clueless la! found out i can't use the stuff i came up with today during math tut, cause i can't alter the school crest so much. hahahahah. boo.
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