how do you measure a man??? whooo. hahah.

try to read this haha it's damn funny if i say so myself(: i like the poor english quote the best(it's next to the painting) i stuck it on the board in the art room that has similarly structured write-ups on abstract artists. umm in case you guys can't tell i made it up hahahaha. it's meant to be lame. read carefully and analyse the ridiculosity, i mean ridiculousness of it. all the subtle fictional changes i made. the absudtity of his art pieces etc. lit training! go go go!

my finished painting! goodbye pain! for now. haha now i have to start on our promos project. see if you can tell what it signifies/ what it makes you feel. blah blah.

here are the DISGUSTING thongs! two of them at least. there are worse ones. well actually the dog one is one of the worse. if you can see what it really is. look carefully and try not to puke. the black thing is the dog's nose and tongue....
sheesh what's the point in wearing one? so you feel sexy? i'm serious about the thongs which are just t shaped strings too by the way hahahah.

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