after like a life time of absence from thing dang place i am back baby! like the terminator! well don't really know what to say. cept that this blog is dead town. and i am partly responsible.... sorry man haha. but seriously i don't know html??? and sorry i didn't plan any like outings and stuff in the end. thanks selvan for offering, even though the chalet couldn't happen. we all wish your family the best and we're praying!
soooo christmas christmas christmas! what do i think of when i think christmas? well basically all the standard stuff that you never get in singapore. hahahaha like fireplaces, homemade cookies in the shape of christmas trees with icing and sprinkles on the top (that it seems only american super mums can produce... i've only ever had one in my life... baked by some lady in my church yeaaaars ago.), snow and loghouses, fairy lights and christmas trees, sweet jazzy christmas tunes. and this exuberant warmth all around! but it's okay that we only see that in movies. cause i'm blessed enough to even be able to celebrate christmas, the singaporean way! it's like chinese new year! without chinese! hahaha i'm just happy to get to spend a dinner with my relatives.
anyway that's christmas to me, that picture up there, it's disney's magic kingdom in orlando last year when i visited. it's not a very clear picture but it's the only one i've found so far haha. and here's my cheesy cliched parting statement! whatever it is, it's not where or how you celebrate christmas, but who you celebrate it with. HAH. that was good wasn't it?
i love you!
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